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Old 01-05-2014, 09:29   #21
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Anch'io lo sto seguendo da un po', spero che i requisiti saranno abbordabili.

Nelle FAQ dicono

We haven’t released official hardware specs, but we aim to have the game run well on as broad a range of hardware as possible.
RaionBook GK3c: Intel Core i7-6700HQ | Nvidia GeForce GTX1060 6GB GDDR5 | 16 GB DDR4 | SSD (M.2): 120GB Kingston | HDD: 1TB 2.5 SATA 7200RPM | 15.6" LED IPS - G Synch | Windows 10 Pro 64Bit
Diablo III gioco preferito dalle casalinghe
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Old 01-05-2014, 09:42   #22
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L'Avatar di ulukaii
Iscritto dal: May 2007
Città: Bidaa
Messaggi: 25695
Da quello che hanno detto, il fattore "sovrannaturale" può essere tolto o modificato, trasformando il titolo in un tranquillo survival/exploration game.

Probabilmente vi sarà una sorta di editor per personalizzare la partita (un po' come in Don't Starve per intenderci).

Ci sono poi tutta una serie di piccole info che gli sviluppatori hanno più o meno risposto nelle varie discussioni sulla pagina Greenlight e in interviste. QUI trovi una Q&A.

Purtroppo non seguito molto, soprattutto nell'ultimo mese perché sto dietro ad Outcast HD tra thread ufficiali e campagna Kickstarter.

Ma riporto una lista delle Confirmed Features In The Forest (fonte):
General Game and Story:

* The games initial price point is estimated at $15.00

* 'The Forest' is labeled as an "Open World Survival-Horror" game.

* The game's setting is stated as a “North American Forest”; with areas like swamps, lakes, caves, and mountains.

* There will be "Mutant, Cannibalistic, Tribesmen" that will hunt you at night.

* The game draws inspiration from: 70's and 80's exploitation films, Italian Cannibal Films, "The Hills Have Eyes", "I Spit On Your Grave", "I Am Legend", and many other films alike.

* There will be no written or verbal dialogue within the game to aid in story telling.

* There is a deep story line though that will slowly be uncovered by the player through visiting locations, finding items, and generally by the experiences within the game.

* The story line will be completely optional. You are free to explore The Forest and play it as you see fit.

* Ben wants this game to scare you more than any game before has. It will have its calm and serene moments inbetween though.

* "There is some question as to who is actually the enemy: them, or you. You're the one who is invading their forest." - Ben Falcone


* The game will utilize the Unity 4 Engine.

* It will support VR Oculus Rift (As of now only the Oculus Rift will be supported)
- Interest in the STEM VR System was expressed by Ben.

* The player’s character will have a full body model, which can interact with the environment in different ways.

* The game world will use an advanced light scattering system with volumetric fog

* The game will use physical shading that allows light to respond naturally for realistic shadow effects.

* Enemy skins will use “Screen-Space Sub Surface Scattering[]” for a more realistic feel.

* Certain objects and the rocks in the caves are 3-D scanned from the real world to add more realism.

* Enemies will have feature film quality animations.
(From the trailers it seems that your character will have their own range of high quality animations as well)

* Blood splatter will occur when fighting.
(During the trailer you can visually see blood flying during strikes, and covering the arms of the player)

* SLI and Crossfire setups will not be supported at Alpha release. The game will however work well with single card setups; SLI/Crossfire is expected to be implemented later into development.

The Game World:

* A "Huge" Open World.

* Day and Night Cycle; with appropriate tides appearing throughout the day along the coast.

* Weather systems with rain and lightning (only ones confirmed so far).

* Extensive and intricate cave systems with underground lakes.

* Every tree in the game world can be cut down, changing the world dramatically and deforestation can occur. (The ranging effects that this will have not been accurately stated)

* Food sources can also be depleted, and animals over-hunted.

* Plants re-grow overtime, and die as well.

* Several nearby islands can be visited by boat, or on a raft.

* A few of the structures you can craft or take shelter in are: Caves, Tents, Cabins, Sea Side Fortresses, and House Boats.

Gameplay Elements:

* Minimal UI will be utilized during crafting in order to maintain constant immersion in the game.

* Crafting will be done using tools and the surrounding environment. Such as crafting a spear on a rock; or creating a torch by bringing a stick to a fire. And for more advanced Crafting options the player will be able to combine small items together in their backpack.

* There is a stealth system that will be highly encouraged for players to use.

* The player can craft camouflage from foliage, to aid in hiding from the mutants. They can also cover themselves in mud for decreased visibility (Predator[])

* The player can craft multiple weapons such as Spears, and Axes. For more advanced weapons, players will be able to combine items such as their lighter with a can of hairspray to create a crude flamethrower.

* The player can create a large amount of traps, and use camouflage to conceal them.

* The combat will be primarily melee based. There is an idea to add bows, later on.

* The player can block and dodge enemy attacks. And each attack appears to have an appropriate physical reaction when striking an enemy.

Survival in The Forest:

* Food and water are necessary for survival in The Forest.

* You will need to craft a shelter, or a fire to keep your character warm at night or during a storm. If not you can get cold, and sick.
(Negative stat effects will occur)

* You need to sleep.
(Safe to assume that not sleeping will also have negative effects)

* Stamina is a confirmed stat mechanic; carry too much and it will deplete faster than normal.

* You can trap or hunt animals for food.

* You can also plant and grow your own garden.

* You will probably want to boil the water you find. There is a risk that comes with drinking water straight from the source.

* Cooking meat will be required to avoid illness. And leaving dead animal carcasses out for too long will attract flies.

The Cannibalistic Mutants:

* The mutants live within the world’s cave systems.

* Mutants have "Families, Fears, Morals, and Beliefs". The mutants are part of a tribe that have their own customs. Don't think of them only as feral beings.

* They have their own routines, will sleep during the day, hunt and make weird cannibal art at night

* Mutants are more than just AI enemies that fight you. They will interact with one another dynamically, as well as to your actions.

* Several different situations have been described where the mutants will react to your actions:
- Mutants may run away in fear after you have killed one of their tribesmen.
- They will carry their injured friends back to the caves for safety.
- They will mourn[] the loss of their kin.

* If you kill the mutants in their caves, or generally do things to make them angry. They will attack you even during the day time.

* Enemy Mutants are finite, so they will not re-spawn indefinitely. Each mutant you kill makes a difference, in more ways than one too it seems.

* Mutants are not weak foot soldiers. Each poses a direct threat and challenge,

* Mutants will generally hunt you at night.

* Mutants can also hunt for you in packs.

* The mutants can climb the forest's trees. The trailer shows instances where they leap from the trees to cut off the player's escape, and to ambush you.

* Mutants will stalk you sometimes before directly attacking. It appears that they will use nearby trees and foliage to sneak up on you.

* From gameplay footage it seems that mutants can jump a good distance, and will use this to their advantage to close the distance on you and to strike.

* Mutants can use weapons to attack you.
(You can see the weapons in question in the 2nd trailer)

Other Features:

* Co-Op Mode: This feature has been confirmed for the game. There is a likely version that will be implemented during Alpha.

* Multiplayer mode may appear after Alpha release.

* Player Mods: They have expressed an interest to allow the community to mod the game; they are currently working on getting the correct tools to allow for this.

* Online Leaderboards: So far they have confirmed a "Longest Time Survived" leaderboard.
(I suspect several other categories will be added in as well later)

* Different game modes:
- There is a confirmed Peaceful[] mode with no mutants.
- A hardcore mode where you will have only one life.
- A mode that will procedurally generate a new Forest each time.

* Finisher moves: This is based solely from the scene in the second trailer, where the player bashes the enemy mutant’s skull in with a rock. With the number of high quality animations already in-game, it can be expected that certain finishing moves will be implemented.

* Predatory animals will pose a threat to you within the forest.
(Sharks are the only confirmed predatory animal as of yet)

* Different variations of mutants will exist within The Forest.
- Ben mentioned there was a difference between mutants in the caves and that there will be “smarter hunting cannibals”.
- Certain mutants also have noticeable differences such as: Wearing C-D pendants, Masks on their faces, and body tattoos.
(None of this is confirms that they are indeed different, it is only speculation based on the fact that Mutant's have their own tribal culture. Different versions of outfits, or other distinct features may indicate different status positions)

* Trailer footage as well as interview discussions hint towards something far more deadly than just the mutants though.

* Gamepad (controller) support has been confirmed in The Forest. (Xbox 360 controllers have been definitively confirmed)

* Mid-range to High End PC’s should be able to run the game fairly well.
(This is based on a few replies to the public, in which multiple system specs were posted and they replied saying that they should run the game fairly well. Keep in mind there is still no official announcement from the developers yet on any minimum or recommended specs)

* Sony PlayStation 4 and Microsoft release have been mentioned[], but there is no real information on an expected release. Once the PC release has been completed (no longer Alpha or Beta) there is a good chance for multiple platform support.

Favorite Quotes:

And here are a few of my favorite quotes from the articles that have gotten me so hyped about this game!

- "When the naked pale genetic mutants in the forest attack your character, you see just enough to realize this is some really scary, messed-up ♥♥♥♥"

- "Enemies are pretty smart ... we found the game’s scariest moments come when you're hiding huddled in a corner and watching them search for you."

- “I hope players really do find it the scariest game experience they’ve ever had. And with the Oculus Rift I want players to be so scared they can’t even put on the headset.”

- “They’re very hard to kill and you have to be very violent to kill them,” Falcone continues. “In lots of games you can shoot someone in the leg four times and they die instantly, or you hit them with a stick and they die. In our game, you hit them with a stick to make them fall over and then you get a rock and hit them over the head three or four times to kill them.”
Comunque sia questa sarà la wiki ufficiale:

Poi lo riporto anche qui
1) iscrivetevi a questo gruppo ufficiale su Steam:

2) commentate il post con: I want win gift The Forest!

3) invitate vostri amici ad unirvi al gruppo (pulsante "Invita Amici" in alto a destra)

Avrete la possibilità di vincere una gift key di The Forest quando arriverà su steam (in Early Access il 22 maggio, costo $14,99).
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Old 01-05-2014, 14:20   #23
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L'Avatar di ulukaii
Iscritto dal: May 2007
Città: Bidaa
Messaggi: 25695
Riporto un po' di Q&A con gli sviluppatori, ordinate dalla più recente alla più vecchia.

Q&A 3 - 01 aprile 2014 (SurvivalistGaming):
1. How did you decide on the name for The Forest?
A: The title was origionally a working title, but after a while it started to fit. I feel the simple name carries weight and gives the idea that there's more lurking under the surface.

2. The music in the Third trailer was great, is there In-game music while you're playing?
A: We're lucky to have a really great composer on board who did the music for the third trailer.
We think for the feel of the game, almost no music works really well. We want players to feel alone in this place, with just the sounds of the birds or the ocean in the distance.
At night, hearing footsteps approaching and knowing it's not going to be something good can be really terrifying, and using too much music in situations like this would kill the suspense.

3. To what extent does weather impact the environment and the player? will there be larger more threatening storms, etc?
A: The player will get cold and wet and this affects overall energy and stamina. We currently have variation in the rain, so bigger storms will roll through, causing more wind through the leaves, and running water over the terrain. We're using really cool parallax mapping on our terrain, and on the highest settings water will gather between cracks and in recesses between rocks.

4. Any word on implementing seasons?
A: Having some subtle seasonal variation would be really cool, leaves turning orange in autumn and falling off the trees, more rain and possible snow during winter and colder nights. It's not currently in the game, but maybe it's something we can implement during the alpha.

5. Do items stay where you leave them?
A: Yep!

6. What kind of impact do falling trees have? can they fall on something/someone and cause damage or do they just clip through?
A: This is something we're still working on, it comes down to balance. Having a tree fall on you and kill you instantly is really annoying. Having it fall on your base can also be really frustrating. We're trying to find a good solution that feels realistic enough and still works well for gameplay.

7. Can you explain a little more about the situation in the third trailer? Some people around the community seem a little confused.
A: The third trailer shows the player now easily able to deal with the regular mutants, and then unleashing a new type of threat into the world via the deeper caves. Bigger, stronger, more messed up mutants who are able to tear through your defences the player spent a long time setting up.

8. Is it possible to avoid contact altogether with the mutants? And if you kill mutants without any others watching, will they automatically know that youre messing with them?
A: Mutants are not telepathic so if you take one out without being seen they won't know you're around. It's probably possible to avoid all contact, but it would mean spending the entire game hiding in bushes and not building any large structures.

9. Can wildlife ques such as birds flying away prove as an early warning that some mutants are nearby?
A: Birds can get scared off, either by enemies, or even if the player runs towards them and makes a lot of noise... Or throws rocks at them.

10. When venturing into the caves, Will we be able to sneak our way through mostly unnoticed or are there often points where fighting is the only option?
A: Stealth is a big part of the game and we try to give multiple routes/ways through.

11. Is it a common occurence to see the bigger mutants above ground? or is this one of the instances where later on in the game the player has brought this on because of agressive behavior ?
A: We don't want to give away any late-game spoilers.

12. Is it safe to say that there are still other mutant types we haven't seen?
A: Oh yeah

13. Is there a variation in size and height in the humanoid mutants? It seemed like the mutant that first jumped the fence in the third trailer was bigger than normal.
A: We're trying to add as much variety to the mutants as we can, and the deeper cave mutants are visually paler, taller, move faster, and jump higher.

14. We see a mutant explode near the end of the trailer, was that an explosive tossed by the player? or a trap?
A: It was an explosive thrown by the player a second or two before. It is also possible to rig explosive traps which have similar effects.

15. do the mutants travel in a variety of group sizes?
A: Yep.

16. Can the larger walls in the trailer be built upon/upgraded?
A: We plan to have a reinforced version of the defensive wall. Also, additional defensive items can be placed in front of the wall making it harder to penetrate.

17. Can the player build structures more than one level high?
A: Yep.

18. Those snare like traps, do they keep the mutant alive or do they die when they get pulled upside down? And do we have to clear the bodies from the traps and reset them manually?
A: They keep them alive, you can beat them to death whilst they hang there, or cut them down and set them free (Although who would do that?).

19. Will mutants try to help their friends out of traps if they're still alive?
A: Yes...This is where explosives come in really handy!

20. Can you accidentally trigger your own traps?
A: Eventually you'll be able to, although it's not implemented yet. We think it would be really fun and scary to get caught in your own rope trap. There are some physics and control issues to sort out, but hopefully we can get it working smoothly.

21. Can you explain to us how the dead bodys will work? Are they persistent? do they rot like the animals? can you drag/burn them, etc?
A: They are currently persistent, but the plan is they will eventually rot away. Some will be eaten or buried by other cannibals.

22. Can you pick up and use the weapons the mutants use?
A: Yep.

23. Is there dismemberment?
A: There is dismemberment, players can take body parts and use them to create warnings or effigies. You can see this in the second trailer, where the player builds a statue from body parts and sets it on fire.

24. Do strikes with sharp weapons create some type of visual wounds? Is dismemberment limited to corpses or is it possible in combat?
A: Currently limited to corpses. We're not sure about combat dismemberment yet.

25. Are there weapon specific finishing moves? like the final blow with the rock?
A: The mutants are hard to kill, we wanted to make it so you couldn't just bang someone with a stick a bunch of times and they'd ragdoll. Instead once a mutant is down on the ground you either jab your stick into them a lot, or cave their skull in with a rock...
Or even plant explosives on them and then let one of their friends come to rescue them; killing both of them.

26. I was doubtful of this one, but a few people asked if you could eat the mutants as well :/
A: No, we're drawing the line at dismembering bodies, and building statues out of the parts and setting it on fire.

27. Now that you have a release date, do you know any more about when the review codes will be going out?
A: The release date is for the alpha, so early access before the early access is tricky! We do want to get it to paople to start playing however we imagine it will be pretty close to the actual alpha release.
Q&A 2 - 25 febbraio 2014 (Hitechpower):
1. How will fire and other light sources work within the game? Will they eventually run out of fuel after an extended time?
A: Fire and light are big parts of the game. We've tried to light our cave systems as realistically as possible which means you’re often in complete darkness. It’s really tense to be deep underground and have your torch light start to flicker signalling low battery.

2. We've been told there will be mountains in The Forest; will we see any tall mountain peaks, or mountain ranges that we can visit?
A: There are currently background mountains in the game, however they haven’t been developed much yet, and will probably be blocked off in the first alpha release. It’s highly likely it’s an area that will be expanded on during the alpha period.

3. Can you give us a list of some of the animals we will get to see in The Forest?
A: Our second trailer showed our massive lizards these can climb trees, rest on logs and generally live in the world. If you walk down to the beach you’re likely to see seagulls pecking away at a sharks corpse, or a sea turtle swimming about.
We have a bunch more animals to reveal and especially many different bird types that really bring the world to life

4. What role will stamina play within the game, and what kind of factors are beneficial/harmful to this stat?
A: Stamina plays a big part in the game, every time you swing a stick or weapon you use some stamina. In combat being completely out of stamina can mean the difference between life and death.
Stamina can be regained by eating energy bars/drinks, through sleeping or through concoctions you can make via plants

5. We've seen rocks, axes, and sticks so far being used as weapons. What other kind of weapons will the player be able to craft or find?
A: One really cool weapon we've just recently got working well is the spear, you can use this to spear fish in the lake, or poke plants with. Walking around poking plants is weirdly addictive.

6. The trap system sounds like it will be vital to a proper defense and useful with hunting. What kind of traps will we be able to craft, and will we be able to place them anywhere in the game world?
A: Yep, you can place them anywhere in the world. We try not to limit construction at all, the only real rules are if something is already there (so you can’t build something half inside a tree) or if the angle is too extreme (ie you can’t build stuff on the side of a cliff)

7. How will the sleeping system work; will it be an instant loading screen to day time? Also how will the game handle mutants that come to attack the player while they are asleep?
A: We have just a few seconds of black before you wake up - unless you’re woken up by enemies. Building a fire in the open without any defenses set up isn’t a great idea, and it’s likely you won’t be able to sleep uninterrupted through the night.

8. How will the mutant's A.I. react differently to a player who tries to act more peacefully in The Forest? (e.g. A player who only wounds but does not kill the mutants; a player who grows their own garden and does very little damage to The Forest?)
A: They’re still mutant cannibals, you can choose to deal with the situation in a less aggressive way, but you’re still an intruder in their forest. Even though we try to give them depth and be relatable, they still want to kill you. In fact, just wounding them will make them more angry with you, it’s probably best once a fight has started to try and finish them off.

9. Since the game will utilize minimal UI, what kind of indicators will there be when the player is injured, hungry, cold, or sleepy?
A: Getting all that information across to players without throwing icons all over the screen is really challenging. We've tried to be as subtle as possible with our onscreen UI and also reinforce everything with 3d animations. Having a 3d player body is really helpful in this way since we can have the player shake and rub his hands together when cold or visibly check his wounds etc

10. How will the map size in The Forest compare to other games like Far Cry, GTA, or DayZ?
A: We’re trying to make a world that feels like a real place. We’re really focused on dense and interesting rather than large and full of empty spaces or repeating elements. Our goal from the start was to make a world that’s large enough to get lost in, and yet constantly interesting, full of cool stuff to find and discover.

11. The Forest is a very ambitious project, and your community is excited for the upcoming Alpha release! Could you tell us what kind of goals and challenges you still need to meet before the Alpha release?
A: The support and enthusiasm for the game has been amazing, especially here on Steam greenlight! You guys have all been awesome, and it was a really hard decision for me to delay the game last year.
We’re currently trying to get in as much as possible, and improve/polish as much as we can. We really want the first impression people have of the game to be a positive one, even if it’s an unfinished alpha.
Our biggest fear is releasing too soon, in a state where we can’t deliver regular updates, where it’s crashing on different configurations and where the frame rate isn’t up to scratch on slower PC’s.
Just this week we more than tripled performance on our test machines, we’re making really great progress and excited to get everyone playing as soon as we can.
Q&A 1 - 05 febbraio 2014:
Q: How do you intend to handle the natural wildlife?
A: Most of the wildlife isn't a threat to you, but animals in the world add a lot to the immersiveness of the game. Owls hoot in trees at night, seagulls down by the beach will peck away at shark corpses. Turtles will swim or lay in the sand, lizards wander about and will climb trees or rest on a rock.

Q: How long is the Day/Night cycle?
A: We started off with quite short days but over time as we added more and more things to do during the day, we've been slowly lengthening the days. We find the exact length is a setting we constantly tweak as we get closer to an alpha release and expect it will change a lot during the public alpha.

Q: Can you shed some light on the inventory system?
A: We have a full 3d inventory system, players open their in game 3d backpack and can take items from it.

Q: To what extent does the fire spread? to houses, etc.
A: The fire spread will depend on wind and the environment. It will burn down structures as well as bushes and trees. It’s a mostly damp forest with frequent rain so it won't be possible to burn down the entire forest.

Q: Can the Mutants destroy the structures you build?
A: Enemies will try to destroy the structures you build. You can also destroy your own structures to regain some of the resources you've used.

Q: Will there be rivers/ streams?
A: We currently have a bunch of lakes, and a surrounding ocean. Water can be used for a few different things in the game, from hiding in briefly to escape enemies, or as a way to wash blood off yourself after battle.

Q: Does the weather affect the ocean?
A: We have a tide system that will rise and fall each day, we don’t currently affect wave size due to wind but it’s something that could be added eventually. It’s also possible for players to build water crafts, things like a house boat or a raft, so having a changing ocean would offer a bunch of gameplay possibilities.

Q: Will the AI counteract strategies you use repeatedly? meaning will they catch on to certain traps and tactics if you use them too often?
A: This is something we’re still balancing. Enemies can be aware of traps and things you place around the world, but it can lead to frustrating gameplay if they always avoid the players tactics.

Q:Will the player be restricted to one home sturcture at a time? or will they be able to build where/whenever they please?
A: They can build wherever they like and currently as many as they like. You're going to be limited by the time it takes to build these structures. We imagine most players will build a single base and try and improve it as much as possible, although some may wish to build several mini-bases around the world.

Q: Is there currently any limit on how much you can build?
A: You're limited by the available resources in the world, but we don’t currently stop players from building as much as they like.

Q: You've elaborated a little on just how violent and dangerous the combat is in the game, Will each weapon do what you would expect it to when you strike an enemy? Do bladed weapons actually cut them? or is it a system more like skyrim where they have an overall health bar?
A: Different weapons affect the enemies in different ways, hitting them with a stick will be a lot different than swinging an axe at them. We’re trying for a sense of realism with our violence, we want players to beat them with a stick and then have to use a rock to smash their skull in.
Players can also build different traps, so we expect most players to use a combination of traditional weapons, luring enemies into traps and using world elements such as fire to get the upper hand.

Q: Do the enemies react to where they are hit accordingly?
A: This is something we’re actually working on currently, getting hits to feel meaty and real is very important to us, and part of this comes from separating the hits from upper and lower body and really making combat feel alive and dynamic.

Q: Will there be ways to engage single enemies quietly/quickly? (Like one good shot to the back of the head)
A: You can stealth kill enemies from behind with a rock. This is a pretty good strategy when they’re not in a group.

Q: As a guy that usually is apathetic to ANY AI let alone enemy npc's, do you think The Forest will still instill a feeling of empathy and terror?
A: We hope so. More than anything we’re just trying to do something interesting, something different than other games when it comes to our A.I. npc’s.
We've become attached to these creatures as we've developed them, and so what we see as a heart-warming image of one creature holding/helping another, some people may view as bizarre and scary.

Q: Also, how unpredicitble is the AI behavior? Will I still be saying "I've never seen that yet" even farther into the game? or will I have a general understanding after a few days of playing?
A: As the A.I. gets more and more desperate there will be changes in how you tackle them. having a sense of progression over time as the game develops, and even as far as who you're fighting in the later part of the game is something we’re really focused on.

Q: Will there be weapon/tool degradation?
A: We had this in originally, but haven’t been able to make it not frustrating in game. In the middle of a fight and finding your stick breaking because you spent too much time hitting plants with it ended up just being frustrating.
It’s possible weapon degradation will make a return at some point if we can get it working smoothly and without the frustration

Q: Are there poisonous plants/berries that can be hazardous to the players health if he/she is careless?
A: Yep, players will have to know which berries or mushrooms to eat and which to avoid.

Q: Will the game be taking a traditional save file approach? or will there be some type of penalty system when you die. (It's fine if that cna't be answered)
A: There will be saving, currently it’s a save anywhere system but will probably be switched so it’s only possible to save at your shelters or a fire.
There will also be a permanent death mode.

Q: Will you be able to camoflaugue your house as well as traps?
A: Leaves can be collected from plants and bushes and used to camouflage certain items.

Q: Does the player gain experience/skill from doing certain things? Ex. the more you run, the faster/longer you can go.
A: This is one of the systems we’re still working on.

Q: Is it true there is a chance you can trip if you are running to fast?
A: No : ) I think it’s an interesting idea, but one that would be really frustrating in practice.

Q: Will you be giving Early(er) acces to coverage sites before the public alpha launch?
A: Probably.

Q: Can we expect to see longer cuts of non-spoiling gameplay in the future?
A: We really want to get the game into a bunch of peoples hands and let them make videos for youtube. We think that’s probably a better way to show off longer gameplay than having us make extended videos.
In our trailers we really try and get across the vision of the entire game in a minute or two.

Q: How is the Alpha development going, and how excited are you to get your game to the public?
A: It’s going really well, we’re constantly adding and improving things. As a small team, development moves really fast and implementing new ideas can be done really quickly.
We’re excited about the alpha release, and we've been asked a lot about an exact release date or to just release the game as it is!
Before releasing the alpha, we want to be in a place where the team can push out regular working builds and updates to steam without everything breaking. I think the best early access games are the ones that frequently update after the first release with new features and fixes and the team wants to make sure the project is in a state where that’s possible.
Ok questo per ora è ciò che si conosce, bene o male, sul progetto

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Old 01-05-2014, 20:44   #24
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Grazie mille ulukaii per le info.

Accidenti se sembra promettente, inoltre alcune delle risposte suggeriscono che il team sappia decisamente il fatto suo riguardo al game design.
Ci sono solo 10 tipi di persone al mondo: quelli che capiscono il codice binario e quelli che non lo capiscono.
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Old 02-05-2014, 07:49   #25
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E' prevista nel prossimo futuro una modalità multiplayer o cooperativa?
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Old 02-05-2014, 07:50   #26
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Vero, e condiderando anche che non sono affatto molti, anzi è un piccolo team:
Who is making this game?
Endnight Games is a 4 person indie studio based in Vancouver, Canada. We also make significant use of outside contractors, depending on production needs there have been anywhere from 5 to 10 people working on the game at a given time.

Why does it look so good for an indie game?
With our background in VFX and the use of some very talented artists/coders we have been able to aim as high as we can for the visuals of the game.
Sono ancora meno dei ragazzi di Undead Labs (quelli di State of Decay) e per un progetto del genere, se viene anche mantenuta solo la metà della roba detta nelle varie Q&A...

92 minuti d'applausi

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E' prevista nel prossimo futuro una modalità multiplayer o cooperativa?
Tutto scritto sopra: Sì
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Old 02-05-2014, 09:02   #27
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Old 02-05-2014, 09:36   #28
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Vero, e condiderando anche che non sono affatto molti, anzi è un piccolo team:

Sono ancora meno dei ragazzi di Undead Labs (quelli di State of Decay) e per un progetto del genere, se viene anche mantenuta solo la metà della roba detta nelle varie Q&A...

92 minuti d'applausi

Tutto scritto sopra: Sì
Visto il trailer......

Nuovamente grazie per il consiglio.
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Old 02-05-2014, 19:32   #29
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Nuovo articolo da Unity 3D: The Forest by Endnight Games

Per la serie... come un gioco può spaventare anche i suoi sviluppatori:
There was one time where our backup solution corrupted the entire project and its backup,” recalls Falcone. “It gave the entire team a solid two-day scare until we managed to find a workaround.
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Old 02-05-2014, 19:50   #30
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aggiornato un po' il primo post
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Old 07-05-2014, 19:37   #31
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Nuova intervista:

Parlano del team:
Our core team is made up of just four people.
- Ben Falcone is our creative director and the creator of the game. He has over 10 years vfx background, working on films such as Tron Legacy and 300.
- Michael Mellor is our animator and AI programmer. He also has over 10 years vfx experience doing animation. He’s worked on the Harry Potter films as well as a lot of commercials.
- Oren Kurtz is our graphics programmer. He is the co-creator of RocketDock and has been programming games and apps since the Apple.
- Anna Terekhova is our 2D and 3D artist. She comes from a vfx background as well. She has worked on movies such as Snow White and the Huntsman and Sucker Punch.

We have also made use of a lot of very talented freelance artists and coders from around the world.
Della durata del gioco, del peacefull-mode, di VR e di alcune altre cosette già menzionate nelle Q&A sopra postate.

Queste invece sono le risposte alle famose 10 domande scelte dalla community nelle scorse settimane:
The Final 10 Community Questions:

1. If you have an altercation with a mutant in which he/she survives, will they remember this and will this affect the way he/she next approaches you?

Cannibals and mutants have a loyalty to one another. Fighting with one can result in them running off for reinforcements or approaching you later with more caution. They can stalk you from afar or become more aggressive. During the alpha behaviors will be added and changed, so be prepared for surprises.

2. Can mutants swim? If so can they climb on board your boat base?

Mutants really don’t like water, so a boat base is an almost perfect hiding spot. Although, without access to resources you’ll probably want to head back to land at some point. So, they don't swim in alpha, and if you can run into chest high water, so can your assailants. You'll just have to be patient and see how everything works out.

3. All though there is no dismemberment on live mutants at this point, will there be visible wounds on the mutants from your attacks?

We use simple bloodied versions of a lot of elements currently, so bash a mutants face in and he’ll stay visibly bloody. We’d love to expand our gore and blood systems further and it’s hopefully something we can put a lot of attention into over the course of the alpha.

4. What other predatory animals will we see in The Forest besides the shark? And will these pose a threat to mutants?

The focus of the game is on your struggle against these cannibals. As the game is set in a north american style forest we’re a little limited in the type of predatory animals we can have. Bears didn't really make sense for the style of game we’re making.

Although running into a massive tiger or being eaten by a crocodile could be pretty funny, we feel it would take players out of the game world we’ve created and not really be true to the spirit of the game.

5. How effective will player camouflage and base camouflage be? Is it possible to have a base that's completely hidden from the enemy?

Structure camouflage is a lot more useful in the early game, as you develop a bigger base it’s going to be much harder to hide. We’re trying to make the system feel natural, and so whilst your visibility will be lowered if you're covered in mud and hiding in a bush, getting too close will still reveal you to the enemies.

6. Will storing food away be a priority? Will we have to be careful of animals raiding storage houses and making off with our supplies?

Food like chocolate bars or cans of soda can be stored, but raw fish will rot over time making it something you probably want to cook pretty quickly. We’ve experimented with cannibals coming in and stealing your supplies and its a really interesting system, but difficult to balance to not feel frustrating.

We really like the idea of being deep inside a cave and having to worry about your base above ground being raided either by small animals or cannibals. These are both systems we’re still experimenting with and developing and will probably be fleshed out more over the alpha period

7. Complex creations have been mentioned, such as the combination of a can of hairspray and a lighter to make a miniature flamethrower. Just how complex will these creations be able to go?

We want the combinations to be things that make sense, and find even just simple combinations can feel really satisfying to make and offer a lot of gameplay opportunities. We’ve recently added enemy limbs to the crafting and building systems making for some really weird combinations. Combine a bomb you've made with a severed enemy head and then place it in the world to see what happens.

8. Can you give a rough estimate on how large the island/or game space will be?

We get asked this all the time! The truth is we’ve never measured it, however we feel the size suits the game and is a big enough world to get lost in whilst still constantly finding interesting items, locations and vistas.

Over the course of the alpha we expect new areas to be added or opened up, especially with our ever descending cave systems

9. Are the Cannibals all part of one large clan? Or will there be separate clans spread across the islands (ones that are less aggressive than the others, etc.) ? If so can we expect to see interactions between them, such as trading, invasions, or ritualistic/cultural ceremonies?

We have multiple types of cannibals and these have different actions, both towards each other and towards the player - but due to spoilers can’t really discuss them.

10. Can you knock mutants unconscious, then do things like drag them and caging them etc?

You can currently knock enemies out, chop them up and then make effigies out of their body parts. We don’t have a system for caging them yet, but it could be a really interesting system!
In ultimo, alcuni ulteriori dettagli estrapolati dagli interventi degli sviluppatori attraverso forum Greenlight degli ultimi giorni:
- entro questa settimana dovrebbero mettere in piedi la pagina su Steam Early Access;
- il gioco comunque non sarà acquistabile prima del 22 maggio;
- ribadiscono che si tratterà di un Alpha e che subirà molti rimaneggiamenti;
- il passaggio da Alpha a Final release dipende ovviamente anche dalle vendite, ma in base alle previsioni dovrebbe essere all'incirca di 6 mesi (ricordo che si tratta di un team composto da 4 persone, più alcuni freelance, comunque non più di 10 persone);
- riguardo le dimensioni dovrebbero essere comprese tra i 2-10 GB per questa release;
- per i requisiti ufficiali, sarà necessario aspettare le comunicazioni ufficiali che avverranno con la pubblicazione della suddetta pagina su Steam Early Access;
- achievements e carte steam solo alla pubblicazione della versione finale.

Per ora queste sono le news

Ultima modifica di ulukaii : 11-05-2014 alle 16:56. Motivo: aggiunte news
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Old 16-05-2014, 23:46   #32
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Pagina Steam di The Forest:

OS: Windows 7
Processor: Intel Dual-Core 2.4 GHz
Memory: 4 GB RAM
Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce 8800GT
DirectX: Version 9.0
Hard Drive: 5 GB available space
Sound Card: DirectX®-compatible

OS: Windows 7
Processor: Quad Core Processor
Memory: 4 GB RAM
Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560
DirectX: Version 9.0
Hard Drive: 5 GB available space
Sound Card: DirectX®-compatible
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Old 17-05-2014, 06:13   #33
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Era da più di una settimana buona che erano in ballo con questa pagina e l'approvazione da parte di Steam.

Che dire, meglio tardi che mai

Ultima modifica di ulukaii : 17-05-2014 alle 06:16.
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Old 19-05-2014, 10:17   #34
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Ragazzi probabilmente ci sarà un altro rinvio, leggo proprio ora su OnlySP (fonte) che il titolo non uscirà il prossimo 22 maggio in early access, ma la data potrebbe essere spostata a fine mese (quindi intorno al 30), purtroppo non c'è ancora una data precisa, ma verrà fatto un annuncio ufficiale in giornata.
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Old 19-05-2014, 23:19   #35
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Si, early access slittato al 30 maggio.

Per farsi perdonare:

Sti qui fanno sul serio, il gioco mi ispira un casino, se mantengono anche solo la metà delle cose promesse potrebbe scapparci il capolavoro.
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Old 21-05-2014, 12:32   #36
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Uff non vedo l'ora!

Lo so che vi sembrerá blasfemo, ma sapete se sarà prevista una modalità dove non ci sono cannibali, ma dove unico scopo è sopravvivere? Sono abbastanza ansioso in questi giochi e ogni tanto mi piacerebbe rimanere tranquillo e godermi l'isola
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Old 21-05-2014, 12:37   #37
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Uff non vedo l'ora!

Lo so che vi sembrerá blasfemo, ma sapete se sarà prevista una modalità dove non ci sono cannibali, ma dove unico scopo è sopravvivere? Sono abbastanza ansioso in questi giochi e ogni tanto mi piacerebbe rimanere tranquillo e godermi l'isola
Sì, ci sarà, la chiamano peacefull-mode, non sarà presente da subito nell'early access, ma ci sarà.

Trovi tutte le info nelle Q&A che ho postato nei giorni scorsi, sono all'inizio di questa pagina
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Old 21-05-2014, 13:00   #38
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Grazie, ora leggo allora
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Old 21-05-2014, 19:14   #39
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nuovo video
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Old 21-05-2014, 19:23   #40
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E' sempre il solito terzo trailer pubblicato lo scorso 19 marzo

E' da stamattina che alcuni siti riportano come news il posticipo dell'Early Access al 29 maggio (quando è scritto bello chiaro che uscirà il 30 maggio) e questo fantomatico nuovo trailer...

Per ora l'unica cosa nuova pubblicata sono le gifs postate sopra che provengono dal prossimo quarto trailer, quello sì nuovo, che verrà pubblicato in prossimità dell'uscita del titolo.
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